The timing of delivery depends on your due date and the results of all of your tests. If your tests are normal, you will be allowed to go into labor on your own. Most women go into labor around forty weeks. If your tests are not normal, your doctor will talk with you about when and how to deliver your baby safely.

During labor and delivery, you will be cared for like all other pregnant women. If you take insulin shots, you will not take them during labor. Most women do not need insulin during labor. If you do need insulin, it might be given through an I.V. in your arm. Your blood sugar will be checked during your labor. Blood sugars still need to be normal during this time

It is a good idea to take some classes with your partner or another friend so that you know what to expect in labor and delivery. You may want family and friends to be with you during labor. If so, it is an especially good idea to attend classes before your baby is due. These classes will teach you what will happen during labor and delivery. You will also learn about what to expect with a newborn baby. The classes will help you know how to breastfeed which is a good idea for both you and your baby.

Source: Sweet Success, California Diabetes and Pregnancy Program? CDAPP, 2014


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