mother-centered, culturally competent care

Malama care team

comprehensive care management for pregnant and postpartum mamas

  • Find doctors, including specialists, and get appointments while coordinating care from different providers

  • Connect to community and social services including medically tailored meals, NEMT and postpartum doulas

  • Get support during transitions of care, including hospital discharge

  • Arrange medical transportation

Malama literally helps me deliver “health” to my patients - especially the ones that I know are going to have a hard time getting in glycemic control from the start. Being able to get BETTER patient outcomes, in OUR patient population is just wonderful. That is why we clinicians do what we do.

Malama member (Nov. 2023)

“malama has helped me not feel alone and that it is possible to manage my [high-risk pregnancy].”

Malama member (Jan. 2024)

“honestly, Malama has saved me from getting onto medications to manage my gestational diabetes.”

malama services are live across california

with services expanding across the country

Malama member (March 2024)

“this is the future of maternal health!”

enhanced care management
for all stages of motherhood