Does stress impact my GLUCOSE levels?
Yes! Stress can raise your blood sugar.
Everyone has worries during their pregnancy. Pregnancy alone can cause stress for you and your family. Work at the office or at home may be very hard. Fears about money may cause you to worry. Learning that you have gestational diabetes can add to this stress. Any of these stressors can raise your blood sugar. Support from your health care team can make a difference.
There are many ways to lower your stress. Find ways to relax. Relaxing will help you reduce your stress which is healthy for you. This is a list of some things that may help you relax or worry less
Go for a walk
Talk to friends and family
Listen to music
Ask someone to visit you
Read a book
Watch your favorite TV program
Do something you enjoy
Taking rest time to do your kick counts every day and record them
Source: Sweet Success, California Diabetes and Pregnancy Program? CDAPP, 2014