Module 21: Find Time for Physical Activity
Session Focus
It can be challenging to fit in at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week.
In this session, we will talk about:
Some benefits of being active
Challenges of fitting in physical activity
How to find time for physical activity
You will also make a new action plan!
Change your schedule. For instance, wake up 30 minutes earlier so you can take a morning walk or eat dinner 30 minutes earlier so you can take a walk after you eat.
Ask family and friends to pitch in with household tasks so you have more time to be active.
If you have a disability, bring a friend to be active with you who can assist if needed.
Go on a walk during your lunch break at work.
Make being active a family event and include children in the physical activity.
The Challenge of Fitting In Physical Activity
Paulina’s Story—Part 1
Paulina is at risk for type 2 diabetes. Her doctor asks her to get at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week at a moderate pace or more. But Paulina is a busy mom.
On weekdays, Paulina takes care of her kids by herself while her husband is at work. On the weekend, she works at the library. In the evening after the kids are in bed, she likes to relax by watching TV.
Paulina is having trouble finding time to reach her physical activity goal.
Fitting in Physical Activity
Brainstorm with your group. What are some ways that Paulina can fit physical activity into her daily schedule?
Paulina’s Story—Part 2
Paulina decides to make some changes. These days, she gets up 30 minutes earlier so she can take a morning walk. She lifts weights or marches in place while she watches TV. She also plays soccer with her kids. It’s great exercise for all of them. Plus, it’s fun.
Paulina is finally reaching her activity goal.
Time Crunches
What makes it challenging to fit in your 150 minutes of physical activity a week?
How To Find Time for Physical Activity
Tips for Fitting In Physical Activity
It can be challenging to find time in your daily life to reach your physical activity goal. Think about specific times during your day when you can add physical activity into your routine. Start with the following tips and check off each tip you try. Note which ones worked for you, which ones did not, and why. You can add your own ideas too.
Fit in Physical Activity Anytime
Break your 150 minutes into 10-minute chunks.
Schedule it. Put it on your calendar and make it a priority.
Change your schedule. For instance, wake up 30 minutes earlier so you can walk before work. Or, eat dinner 30 minutes earlier so you can walk after you eat.
Use a fitness app or tracker. These help you make the most of your time.
While Shopping
Park your car farther away.
Carry a basket instead of pushing a cart.
While Getting Around Town
Get off the bus or train one stop early.
Walk briskly.
Ride your bike.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
While You Watch TV
Lift weights.
March in place.
Pedal a stationary bike or walk on a treadmill.
While Doing Tasks or Chores
Put on some music and dance.
Walk the dog longer or faster.
Mow your lawn with a push mower.
While You Socialize
Join a walking club.
Take a fitness class.
Talk on the phone with a friend while you march in place, walk, or climb stairs.
Walk with a family member or friend.
Go out dancing with your friend or partner.
Play soccer, tag, or kickball with your kids or grandkids.
Push your child or grandchild in a stroller.
If you have a disability, join look for group programs that include people with disabilities.
At Work
Join a nearby gym.
Take a brisk walk during your lunch break.
Take part in a fitness program at work.
Walk around or march in place while you talk on the phone.
Ask your coworkers to hold stand up meetings.
Sit on an exercise ball instead of a chair.
Talk to coworkers in person instead of emailing them.
Use a copy machine on the other side of the building.
In Unsafe Environments
Keep workouts simple and use items around your home to work out.
Check with local community centers for physical activity offerings.
Look for free workout classes in gyms, parks, and other community locations.
Look online for free beginner workout videos.
Reaching Your Activity Goal
Your physical activity goal is to get at least 150 minutes of activity each week at a moderate pace or more. How will you find time to reach that goal? List some activities you liked from today’s session that are not included in the list above.