Lesson 1: Healthy Shopping for a Healthier You


Get ready to shop and cook your way to a healthier postpartum life! In this module, you'll find delicious recipes and smart shopping tips specially designed for women who have recently been pregnant. Learn how to choose the best ingredients for your needs and whip up tasty meals that nourish both you and your baby. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to confidently embracing a healthy lifestyle after childbirth. Let's get cooking for a stronger you!

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, you'll be able to:

  • Understand the importance of healthy food choices

  • Learn effective tips for shopping for healthy food

  • Discover how planning can make a significant impact on your diet

Meet Maria, a smart and health-conscious woman. She knows that healthy eating is key to preventing type 2 diabetes. Maria follows these steps before she goes shopping:

  • Gathers coupons for healthy items

  • Checks local sales at grocery stores

  • Plans meals and snacks for the week

  • Checks her kitchen inventory

  • Makes a shopping list

  • Enjoys a healthy snack before shopping

Maria’s Shopping Adventure:

Maria goes to the store and is thrilled at how much healthy food she can get on a budget. She wisely chooses seasonal veggies, fruits, and affordable protein sources.

Just like Maria, who incorporates her cultural preferences into her shopping, you too can choose foods that align with your cultural background.

Summary and Key Takeaways:

Key Takeaways:

  • Plan Ahead: Take time to plan your meals and snacks for the week.

  • Explore Sales: Look for discounts and sales in local grocery stores or farm stands.

  • Cultural Choices: Embrace your cultural preferences in your food choices.

  • Budget-Friendly Options: Healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive.

In the next lesson, we'll explore Maria’s cooking adventure and learn how to turn these nutritious ingredients into delicious meals.